TIFF Extract 1.1.3

The spezification for TIFF files states that a TIFF file might contain multiple images. But this capability is only supported by a few programs. There unlikely are possibilities to edit and to extract these images.
TIFF Extract solves this problem because it allows to extract these images and save them for a later use. The user can select the TIFF files and the names for the files to be created.

Hints for Use:
Language:   English software
German documentation
OS:   MS Windows 95/98/ME/
NT 4.0/2000/XP
File Size:   ZIP 312 KB/unpacked 1,2 MB
Additional information can be found in the file TiffExtr.txt and in the user manual. I recommend to read all this information.

go to download
see also TIFF Inspector 1.0.3

Background of Creation:
Before my Informatics studies in summer 1998 I had to do a practical exercise in a small firm. Now that I was anyway busy with programming things I got a nice task to puzzle out in the meantime.
The firm had a fax program which could save a complete fax in a TIFF file. With a usual image viewer you can only view and print the 1st page. There was no access to any following pages.
That´s why it was my work to solve this problem with a small program. In seiner Ursprungsform war das Programm sehr einfach aufgebaut, aber erfüllte seinen Zweck. Es war nur die TIFF-Datei auswählbar. Der Extraktionsvorgang wurde mit einem einfachen Infofenster visualisiert.
For purpose of releasing this program I "renewed" it and added a few functions.

Technical Information:
Language/Compiler:   Borland Delphi 5.0, 1999
Source Code:   2434 lines
This program use a component as TIFF engine which implements the TIFF spezification 6.0 and is also used by TIFF Inspector 1.0.
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Rev 1g, 2008/05/04